Old-Time Summer

My name is Maisy. I have a husband, 4 children and 5 cats inside. I've always cooked for my family, changing things through the years to prefer organic, but not just that, pastured, grass-fed, less sugar, less gluten, less non whole food eating. Good sources. It has never been easy. I struggle to make dinner every day. I do better making holiday meals. Big cooking! More struggles have had me eating AIP, Paleo, and now in 2021 into KETO. I like watching movies, tv shows, reading, writing, collecting *junk* (not my word for it!) I love music, all kinds of classical, New Wave, Alternative, Hard Rock, Classic Hard Rock, Modern Rock, Post Modern Rock, and more.

Curry Spice Mix

This is my own formula, first posted on my regular blog. Adjust the amounts of each ingredient to your own preference. Feel free to share your changes and why, below, for the benefit of many ideas together!

Olive/Avocado Oil Mayonnaise

Homemade Mayonnaise

What can you do with mayonnaise? Eat it with a spoon. Use it in homemade salad dressings. Use it in deviled eggs, egg salad, chicken salad, smother a chicken with it and bake… and so many more uses. Yes, I love mayo! but only the good stuff. This recipe tastes like what I always thought mayo should be like. Creamy, velvety, luscious.