Homemade Mayonnaise

What can you do with mayonnaise? Eat it with a spoon. Use it in homemade salad dressings. Use it in deviled eggs, egg salad, chicken salad, smother a chicken with it and bake… and so many more uses. Yes, I love mayo! but only the good stuff. This recipe tastes like what I always thought mayo should be like. Creamy, velvety, luscious.

I prefer to use a food processor when making mayonnaise. If you have an immersion blender you can add all of your ingredients into a jar you’ll keep the mayo in, blend to combine and get that magic going.

Olive/Avocado Oil Mayonnaise

Olive/Avocado Oil Mayonnaise

Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 20
Calories 100 kcal


  • 1 Large Egg
  • 2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 tsp Dijon Mustard
  • 1/4 tsp Sea Salt

Add Later …

  • 1/2 cup Light Olive Oil
  • 1/2 cup Avocado Oil

Or Just …

  • 1 cup Avocado Oil


  • Put the egg into your food processor, run a few seconds to break down.
  • Add the salt, mustard, and vinegar. Run.
  • Add the oil slowly through the lid attachment with the tiny hole.
  • Once the oil is all mixed in, you should have a wonderful mayonnaise emulsion.
  • Transfer to a jar with a sealable lid. Use within a couple of weeks for best results.

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